Experience the difference of "Elite".

Sam Westcott

OwnerRez Team Member
Joined December 2009
127 posts

Blog Comments » Update History No Longer Carpooling With The Blog

For awhile now, we've disliked putting the technical details of our updates in blog posts and wanted to provide an update history area that contained specific technical information. If you're wonder…

(Posted Feb 10, 2010 4:52 PM)

Blog Comments » New Update (0.7.3) Released - Finalized Login & Other Tweaks

In the last release, we updated the application login pages to use a newer design which would allow us unify all the user accounts between the website and application. This release finalizes the oth…

(Posted Jan 28, 2010 11:14 AM)

Blog Comments » Announcing New Calendar Integration For Perfect Places

In the past few weeks, OwnerRez has established an integration partnership with Perfect Places (www.perfectplaces.com). Our integration partnership will allow you to keep your Perfect Places calenda…

(Posted Jan 23, 2010 4:39 PM)

Blog Comments » New Update (0.7.2) Released - Enhanced Login & Registration Page

Last night, we released an update that changed the login, register and reset-password pages; and fixed several minor bugs. Changes to the Login, Register, Reset Stuff Besides tweaking the design on…

(Posted Jan 14, 2010 9:33 AM)

Blog Comments » Happy New Year! Great Things Planned For 2010

Happy New Years to all our beta users! (And anyone else passing by.) Excitement is in the air. Over the past few months, we've been getting OwnerRez into a position where we can work on and releas…

(Posted Jan 1, 2010 11:36 AM)

Blog Comments » New Update (0.7.1) Released - Minor Bug Fixes and Enhancements

This morning, we released an update that fixed minor bugs and made enhancements to the user interface. None of the updates were critical. Among them were the following: Spelling Errors Several pa…

(Posted Dec 29, 2009 11:25 AM)

Blog Comments » Welcome to the new OwnerRez blog

The OwnerRez Blog is live! We've just released the new website. With it comes a new blog and forums area so our customers can get more visibility into the features we're working on. Please click a…

(Posted Dec 19, 2009 5:14 PM)