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Sam Westcott

OwnerRez Team Member
Joined December 2009
127 posts

Blog Comments » Answering inquiries

I've prepared a screenshot tour so that users who have not yet received any inquiries can see how it looks. If you don't know how to get your inquiries to show up in OwnerRez, I wrote an article abo…

(Posted Aug 26, 2011 10:14 AM)

Blog Comments » About the inquiry email address format

Yesterday, I discussed how the new inquiry management works. Today, I wanted to address a question posed to me by a user - what's with the format of the inquiry email addresses? When we were design…

(Posted Aug 25, 2011 9:21 AM)

Blog Comments » How to get your inquiries to show up in OwnerRez

Those of you that have already navigated to the new inquiries section have already seen an instruction page on how to get inquiries to show up in OwnerRez. While the instructions are fairly clear, I…

(Posted Aug 24, 2011 2:42 PM)

Blog Comments » Inquiries, inquiries, inquiries

We just released a major update that includes, among other things, our first attempt at inquiry management and tracking. The next time you login, you'll notice a shiny new menu called "Inquiries". …

(Posted Aug 23, 2011 4:39 PM)

Feature Requests » CRM

Pawel, you're absolutely correct, and that is something we have discussed internally. After the inquiry management is flushed out, we are planning on refactoring our "Guest" model so that contact re…

(Posted Jun 22, 2011 3:52 PM)

Blog Comments » New calendar synchronization for FlipKey and TripAdvisor

Last week we released an update that allowed users to keep their HomeAway and VRBO calendars up to date. Right on the heels of that release, we've decided to push out an update for FlipKey and Trip…

(Posted Jun 19, 2011 12:36 PM)

Blog Comments » New calendar synchronization for HomeAway, VRBO and the gang

Over the past year, one of the most requested features has been calendar integration for VRBO and HomeAway. The request usually varies in style, but the end result is always something like "I hate d…

(Posted Jun 13, 2011 3:01 PM)

Blog Comments » Smarter security deposits

A month ago, we posted an article on why it is bad to reserve a security deposit way in advance of the guest's arrival date. In the same article, we mentioned that some gateways have an automatic re…

(Posted Jun 9, 2011 4:45 PM)

Blog Comments » Linked payments and bank denials on refunds

We've been asked two primary questions about refunds other than the "overpayment balance" message that was covered in the last post. Those two questions are: 1) What is a "linked payment"? 2) Why …

(Posted May 27, 2011 1:59 PM)

Blog Comments » Overpayment balances and the general acccounting of refunds

After we recently announced the new refund feature, I expected a lot of questions about the "overpayment balance" message. So far, it appears that no one has been confused because we haven't had any…

(Posted May 20, 2011 5:08 PM)

Blog Comments » Refunds have landed

Yesterday, we released an update that added refund functionality to OwnerRez. Before, you had to send refunds offline via check or cash or with your PayPal account. Now, you can send refunds direct…

(Posted May 12, 2011 9:05 PM)

Blog Comments » Why you shouldn't reserve security deposits way in advance

@Dave World's fastest comment! We don't have a link exposed for owners to send that form around. We could - it looks just like the quote payment forms - but it doesn't just let the guest change th…

(Posted May 4, 2011 8:35 AM)

Blog Comments » Why you shouldn't reserve security deposits way in advance

We've recently noticed that quite a few owners have configured their security deposits so that they are reserved far in advance of the guest's arrival. In addition, many release reminders are config…

(Posted May 3, 2011 5:01 PM)

Feature Requests » New User Feedback

[quote=DPVR.info]Is the feature Jim requested above in the works?[/quote] It's planned, but it hasn't been worked on yet. To give you some context, we have almost 300 ideas on the development roadm…

(Posted Apr 27, 2011 7:05 PM)

General Help and Questions » Sent email for quotes

@Dave Sam Westcott here - head of development. What you're referring to does happen from time to time, but that's completely the fault of the email client. What we do, in using a standard From and…

(Posted Apr 22, 2011 10:09 AM)

Blog Comments » New model for holiday charges

As you may have noticed, holidays are now set on the rate period as a fixed amount, to be charged per night or per stay, over and above the regular charges that occur. The reason we moved to this mo…

(Posted Apr 12, 2011 11:01 AM)

Blog Comments » Charge types now have prorated amounts for extra nights

Before our recent rate engine update was rolled out, a common problem that users complained about was the inability to control what happened to extra nights on a quote. Say a guest asks for a 4-day …

(Posted Apr 6, 2011 1:52 PM)

Blog Comments » Days of the Week option, on charge types, has been expanded

As part of the rate engine overhaul, several old features have been expanded to offer more flexibility. One of those expanded features is the 'Days of the Week' selection. If you view one of your c…

(Posted Apr 1, 2011 7:47 AM)

Blog Comments » Second overhaul of the rate engine, lots of new features

As we mentioned yesterday, an update was just released that brings a lot of new fixes and features to the rate engine. We did a large overhaul of the rate engine last year, but there were still a fe…

(Posted Mar 30, 2011 8:40 PM)

Blog Comments » The year of OwnerRez

Sorry for the long delay in blogging, folks. The blog may have been quiet but development hasn't. In fact, we've been busier than ever, figuring out the 2011 roadmap and which items to prioritize o…

(Posted Mar 29, 2011 4:04 PM)